Now that the courses are coming to a close, we would like to conclude by saying what a wonderful time we all had here at MXT Swim School.
After a local leaflet campaign, many new swimmers found our course and took part in learning to swim. We hope they thoroughly enjoyed their lessons here at MXT Swim and that they will return again for our regular lessons or for our next intensive course in October.
As always with our intensive courses, we had an incredible response from the swimmer’s parents.
Please don’t hesitate to visit our photostream on Facebook to view photos taken during the course: click here.
Don’t forget that we are now beginning to take bookings for our Autumn 2011 course. For more information, click here.
If you attended the course, please let us know what you thought by le aving us a comment below.
Tel: 01903 202700
Mob: 07903 731370
(Mario or Chris)